Cock Of The Walk

Playoffs Week 2:

So, apparently, ‘The Little Jerry’ is an episode that features Kramer buying a rooster to enter into cock fights, and he calls said cock ‘Little Jerry Seinfeld’ (for some reason). Sorry, fans of the show…I know this is painful exposition here…bear with me. Anyhooooo, Captain Geoff Downes’ namesake ‘Little Cherry Seinfeld’ knocked off the two seed in overtime to advance to a showdown with Teal in the Winners’ Bracket final, with a ticket to the big dance on the line. This is Perks v Kelly, Salt v Schlatter, and just all-around great team v all-around great team….Week Three of the playoffs is going to be clucking amazing!

Back To Work

Playoffs Week 1:

See…I know almost nothing about Seinfeld, and I have struggled all season with these front page updates as a result. I had no idea what to use as an image/theme for the first week of playoffs, so I just thought ‘Olive’s win was pretty impressive’, then searched ‘Seinfeld olive’. I learned that that lady in this image is Olive, a cashier at Monk’s Cafe, where the gang (apparently) routinely hangs. She (apparently) ended up dating Kramer because she had long fingernails, and she scratched his itchy back really well. So…’back’ to work…Olive rebounding after a loss to close out their regular season…itchy back…to work…with long nails…*sigh*…I am really, really over this season theme…