Bearing Fruit

Week 5:

Captain Luke Wolmer’s ‘Kelly Kapoorsports’ did their namesake proud in a B-A-N-A-N-A-S 1-0 triumph over the previously unbeaten ‘Orange Vod-Juice-Ka’. Green actually outshot Orange 25-6 (!) in a furious, but ultimately only BARELY fruitful effort, thanks almost entirely to the otherworldly play of a one Mr. Matt ‘Man Possessed’ Henderson. Wolmer’s crew have (fittingly) split their wins and loss evenly thus far at 2-2-0, but will look to continue their upset uprising in a Week Six throwdown with the only remaining undefeated team in the league, Blue…

Not A Drill

Week 4:

Captain Joel Gattey’s ‘DWhite Schrutes & Scores’ took a page from their namesake, and treated their 0-2-0 with the critical urgency that it deserves. After all, while it is technically ‘still early’, any one game can be the difference between in or out, come playoff time. That is particularly true when you are facing off against your standings neighbors, whichever rung of the ladder you may find yourself on. A big 1-0 win over a desperate Purple side proved that White is not taking anyone lightly, and is definitely not messing around when it comes to their playoff safety…