Last Call

Incredibly enough, all ten tabs are still open as The CrossBar staff prepare to turn on the ugly lights on the regular season this Sunday. Six teams already have plans to come back for the big playoff party next month, while four teams (Grey, Red, White, and yes…even Gold) still have a chance to snag a last minute invite. Two of those four will party on, and two will have to deal with the sobering reality that the fun and games are officially over…

7 & 7

The CrossBar is jam-packed and jumping, but vibes are turning tense with seven teams still in contention for the top spot through seven weeks of play, and three teams scrapping to join the playoff pack. A four top of teams is sitting with identical 3-3-1 records (good for seven points), while White and Gold are still roaming the scene looking a bit desperate to land their playoff pickup lines. It’s very nearly last call for all involved…time to see who can handle their shots and stay standing, and who will be passing out…